Courses with a Community Partnership

服务学习的独特之处在于它提供了理论模型的直接应用. Here are our current courses with a community partnership.

BIOL 187: HIV-AIDS: Science, Society and Service

Faculty Instructor: Professor Haushalter,

Meeting time: Fridays afternoon, Fall 2018

This course covers the molecular biology of HIV infection, the biochemistry of antiviral interventions; and the causes and impact of the global HIV-AIDS pandemic, including the interrelationships among HIV-AIDS, 偏见, 比赛, 和耻辱. 这门课程将首次与加州康复中心(CRC)合作,为诺科的男性提供由内而外的课程, CA. To learn more about Inside-Out courses in general please visit 内外中心.

CSCI 124: User Interface Design

Faculty Instructor: Professor Boerkoel,

Meeting time: TBA 2018–2019

本课程介绍人机交互和以用户为中心的设计. 它是为那些对设计既有用又可用于解决现实问题的计算机系统感兴趣的学生准备的. 学生将学习以用户为中心的设计的四个核心原则:用户和任务分析(需求发现), 意念, 原型设计, and user testing (iterative refinement).

Through a series of design investigations, 学生们将以团队合作的方式设计应用程序,以独特的方式满足特定用户群体的需求,解决当地社区面临的实际问题. In partnership with the newly established Hixon Center, 本学期的设计主题是可持续环境设计. 学生们将与Hixon中心合作,确定当地专家和组织,帮助他们了解当地社区成员面临的环境挑战和需求. 参赛团队将有机会在克莱蒙特的地球日庆祝活动上展示他们的设计,并参加由当地社区成员和环境可持续性专家评判的设计挑战.

POST 179: Bicycle Revolution

Faculty Instructor:Professor Steinberg,

Meeting time: TBA for 2018–2019

本课程探讨了创建自行车友好型城市的挑战, 以此为窗口,了解围绕城市变化的政治的更广泛的主题.  Each week we will ride along local bike routes, meeting with officials and advocacy groups from nearby cities, in addition to longer field trips on two Saturdays.  Course readings will draw on urban planning, 政治科学, 比较公共政策, 城市社会学, 公共卫生, 文化地理. 该课程是为不同背景和不同水平的骑行经验的学生设计的. Capstone projects will offer analysis, 设计提案, or other original contributions of value to community leaders.  Enrollment by permission of instructor.

RLST 179D Activism, Vocation, Justice

Faculty Instructor: Professor Dyson,

Community co-educator: Seth Rushton,

Meeting time: TBA  2018–2019

许多强有力的正义和社区权利运动都是建立在宗教基础上的. 同样的, many individuals have found their call to fight injustice, 减轻痛苦, 或者通过宗教或精神实践来改善他们的世界. 在本课程中, students will combine community engagement work with their class work; learning about justice, 职业, 以及各种各样的思想家和改革者的服务,他们在自己的活动或服务工作中找到了宗教意义, or who have interpreted doctrine, 神学, or liturgy as demanding action from them. 阅读将提供一系列思考宗教实践和激进主义之间关系的模型(广义解释), particularly at the intersections of religious difference, 比赛, 性别, 性, 经济学, 全球政治, 和类.

RLST155: Religion, Ethics and Social Practice

Faculty Instructor: Zayn Kassam,

Community Educator: David Mann,

Meeting time: Pomona College, Wednesdays 1:15–4 p.m. 9月4日起th

通过直接经验, 相关阅读, 结构化的反射, 以及课堂讨论, 本课程旨在对以下问题做出明智的回答:什么是宗教, 道德, 和/或仅仅是激励和维持我们社会实践的人道因素? 我们目前对正义的承诺如何成为参与和领导有效社会变革的终身职业? 我们自己的个人发展如何促进或抑制我们有效处理不公正的能力? To what extent do factors such as class, 性别, 种族决定了我们对人类状况和自身社会角色的看法? 我们将在克莱尔蒙特学院的学生和朝圣者广场的居民以及其他同样致力于社会正义的长者的代际伙伴关系中解决这些问题. 本课程旨在培养社会/伦理分析的基本技能, 社区组织, 社会创新. 所有本科生每周将在社区实习4-5个小时. 我们共同的工作将在一个为期三到九个月的美国社会变革项目的本科生提案中达到高潮.S. 还是在国外.

PHIL 39: Women, Crime and Punishment

Faculty Instructor: Susan Castagnetto, or

Meeting time: Pomona College, TBD

本课程从性别的角度探讨犯罪和惩罚问题, also considering intersections of 性别, 比赛, class, 和性. 我们将审查使妇女进入刑事司法系统的问题,以及她们在监狱和释放时面临的问题, the impact of the system on mothers and families, and the 性别ed structure of prison, 等. In addressing these themes, we will also consider the nature and purpose of punishment; the current state of the criminal justice system, including the War on Drugs, mass incarceration and the growth of the prison industrial complex; how we define or conceive of crime; the relationships between the criminal justice system and other social and political institutions; whether prisons should be reformed or abolished; changes being made; and how we can make change. Readings are from a variety of sources and disciplines, 包括学术工作, 来自媒体的报道, work by advocacy organizations, and firsthand accounts by incarcerated writers. We will also consider current issues related to class themes. 这门课包括在六个星期二晚上(整个学期交替一周)参加一个由加州妇女研究所(CIW)监禁的妇女组成的多节写作研讨会。. Alternative community-based activities are under development, 包括将于周六在CIW举行的园艺项目.

POLI 135: Political Economy of Food

Faculty Instructor: Nancy NeimanAuerbach,

Meeting time: Scripps College, Wednesday, 2:45–5:30 p.m.

This course will examine social, 文化, racial and 性别ed power relations around the production, 分布, 消费, and waste of food in the United States and globally. 它分析了我们工业食品系统的当代实践,以及全球殖民结构对生产的遗产和影响, 消费, 以及食物的意义. 本课程还将介绍替代食物的做法,并将通过社区参与项目探索这些做法, including Hope Partners at Amy’s Farm, Huerta del Valle community garden, and Crossroads Meatless Mondays program.